Eigenvectors from Eigenvalues: A python implementation

A paper titled “Eigenvectors from eigenvalues” has recently sparkled heated discussions in Chinese communities on Wechat. This paper, co-authored by Peter Denton, Stephen Parke, Terence Tao and Xining Zhang, introduces a new method for calculating eigenvectors from solely eigenvalues. Some bloggers even describe this method as a revolution to traditional textbook method for calculating eigenvectors. I’ve never heard of this method before and wanted to give it a try to see if it is valid from a computational aspect. [Read More]

Exact string matching algorithms: Boyer-Moore and KMP

String matching algorithms are used in lots of scenarios such as searching words in a text file, or locating specific sequences in a genome. I’ve heard of KMP algorithm long time ago, but don’t have a chance to implement it by myself (just lazy). It seems that KMP is not widely used in genomics field, but instead another algorithm, Boyer-Moore, is taught more often in computational genomics classes. I recently find a great online tutorial on computational genomics by Ben Langmead @JHU (link). [Read More]